
Introducing Lyre
My ongoing evolution of my digital presence and stream design, and some thoughts on separation of personae.
Read moreA leaner site for 2024
Discussing a few changes to the website's backend, mostly in service of wasting less network bandwidth.
Read moreFirefox vertical tabs instructions
These are really some notes for myself for if I ever need to set Firefox up again, but in the interests of sharing, they're public. Why not?
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On maths in video games
Musing on recreational mathematics as applied in video games, such as maths puzzles and buildcrafting.
Read moreRaspberry Pi's not-very-documented Watchdog
And a postmortem on my Mastodon instance's outage on 2023-11-23.
Read moreAutism doesn't 'Speak', Twitch
But when autistic people are asking you to listen, you need to listen.
Read moreNew blog, who dis?
I finally have a blog again for longer-form content! So first, let's talk a bit of history and technical details.
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